how to connect to a network on a iBook G4???


im currently struggling with this computer trying to get connected to the internet wirelessly... i have a motorola wireless router which is being used by other pc's and would like get connected to that router with this one but its not working... im not sure where to go or what to do for a network... can i make a new network for this computer or do i need to connect to an existing network??? also, the airport icon doesnt show any lines of reception and when im on the window where it should have the list of networks available, it doesnt show any nor does it accept the network being used for the other pc's... does that mean that theres something wrong with the antena ???/ thanks
Do you have an airport card installed in the powerbook and is the antenna cable connected to it? You may have installed the card but have neglected to connect the antenna. Check this first. I have an original powerbook g4 and I have a belkin pcmcia wireless card and it works a treat. The only thing I had to do was enter the pass key.
If the hardware works as it should...

1.) Does your wireless network show its name (SSID) in public? If not, you'll have to join the network manually by entering the SSID into the "Other..." menu item in the menu bar's AirPort icon.

2.) If there's WEP or WPA encryption, you'll need the password to access the network.

Does this help?

If not: How is your WiFi network set up? Any encryption, if so, what type? Is the SSID public? Then its name should show up in the AirPort menubar item.