How to "decorate" files in a folder and subfolders?


Hello, I've been searching all over this morning and had no luck. Perhaps someone here can help me?

I would like to "decorate" (for instance, use Color Labels) on all files in a specific folder and all of its subfolders. Ie, if I have a folder named "My Movie Files" I'd like for all files in that folder (and subfolders) to be Color Labeled with Green whenever I view them with the Finder. Is there a way to do this "automagically" so that when new files or folders are moved into "My Movie Files", they are Color Labeled to Green?

Alternatively: is there any way to "decorate" the Finder so that it has a unique appearance when it is browsing inside of a particular folder?

BTW, the folders in question are many levels deep and may contain thousands of files.

(My reason for asking this: I have multiple NAS drives mounted and I'd like some way to make it in-my-face obvious which drive I'm browsing. I'd love to hear from anyone else who's dealt with this situation).

PS: I'm using Snow Leopard.


You need to learn about Applescript - in particular, folder actions. See this appendix to the book Mac OS X Snow Leopard - The Missing Manual. I don't know if what you want is doable at all, but this is the place to start. There are likely many other sources.
Here's an example of how to do it with Folder Actions:

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with x in added_items
			set the label index of x to 1
		end repeat
	end tell
end adding folder items to

Drop that in ~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts, attach it to the folder, and there ya go.

It doesn't handle subfolders, though. You'd need to apply the script to each subfolder individually, AFAIK.