How to Delete OS 10.2


My dad recently purchased an eMac with a 17" monitor to replace his OLD Mac Quadra. He wanted faster performance but still likes OS 9.2. We use Retrospect to back up his eMac and when we do a backup, Retrospect must scan almost 130,000 files before the backup starts. I'm sure most of these files are from OS 10.2 which came installed on the machine.

Is there some way I can safely get rid of OS 10.2 from this machine without disturbing the OS 9.2 installation?

Thank you!

The new eMac will not boot in OS 9. ---Unless you bought an older model.

To check this out, go to the system preferences and select Startup Disk. If the OS 9 system folder shows, then you can boot in OS 9. If no other system folder shows except 10, then you can not go to OS 9 only.

Make sure your dad has all the updates through System Update.

You can shorten that backup by selecting just his applications and home folder.

I KNOW he can boot into OS 9.2 because he always does so (never runs OS X at all.) Since I use Retrospect, even if only certain files are backed up, it still scans through all 130,000 files to figure out which ones to back up.

Given he doesn't ever want to run OS X (he's 85 years old and is happy with OS 9), I want to figure out a way to delete the OS X operating system files so all that is on the machine is his OS 9 system folder and programs and documents that he needs for OS 9.

Is this doable?

Delete the folders in your hard drive's root called "System" (NOT "System Folder"), "Library", and "Applications" (NOT "Applications (Mac OS 9)"). Additionally, you can delete the user folders in the Users folder that have the username you use to boot into OS X if you ever have (presuming you don't use OS 9's multi-user system, you can just delete the Users folder). And if you see files starting with the word "mach" on your hard drive, you can delete those as well, plus anything called ".DS_Store".

Thank you sooo much for the help. As long as I get most of the files off, I don't need every one off. This will help me out lots.

Yep... My dad was editor of the local Mac users group newsletter for a few years. He moved away and started a Mac users group in his new town (that is still going strong.) Unfortunately, he's 85 years old now and had a couple of mild strokes and I can tell some of the skills are not as sharp, but he keeps plugging away. OS X is just too much for him to transition to so I'm keeping him plugging away on OS 9.2. He loves his eMac with the 17" monitor. That and AOL and he's good to go. He lives in Bakersfield Calif. now and there doesn't seem to be a Mac users group there. Surprising given how large the city is.
Well, there's no MUG here in Modesto either, to my knowledge, and we've got something like 200,000 people. It doesn't suprise me, though, it's fairly blue collar here.