E Eolake Registered May 5, 2002 #1 How do I make Classic not only start up on login, but also do it in the background? Using "login" syspref and selecting "hide" does not seem to make a differ.
How do I make Classic not only start up on login, but also do it in the background? Using "login" syspref and selecting "hide" does not seem to make a differ.
AppleCider Registered May 12, 2002 #2 Go to System Preferences (either choose the icon from the Dock or go to Apple Menu > System Preferences. Click on the Classic icon, then uncheck "Start up Classic on login to this computer"
Go to System Preferences (either choose the icon from the Dock or go to Apple Menu > System Preferences. Click on the Classic icon, then uncheck "Start up Classic on login to this computer"
scruffy Notorious Olive Counter May 12, 2002 #3 In the Classic Startup.app/Contents/ directory, edit Info.plist. At the very bottom add: <key>NSUIElement</key> <string>1</string>
In the Classic Startup.app/Contents/ directory, edit Info.plist. At the very bottom add: <key>NSUIElement</key> <string>1</string>