how to install mac os 9 in jaguar


lately i intend to use some of the old software which i had when using mac os 9.
would appreciate if someone could enlighten on how to install mac os 9 in Jaguar.
thanks. [apologise for the ignorance]
First, you need the Mac OS 9 install CD.
You put this into the CD drive and shut down.
Turn on the computer while holding down the "C" key in order to boot from the installer CD.
Follow the prompts, but be careful when choosing the install type that you don't do a "Clean install" which will wipe the hard drive. If it gives a warning that the data on your hard drive will be lost, go back and check the install type you've selected.

Once the install is complete you will be able to boot into MacOSX and run OS9 software in Classic mode. You can also switch between booting into OS9 or OSX by going to the "Startup Disk" option in System Preferences (OSX) or Control Panel (OS9).