How to make a "laptop vest" ?


I'm searching a way to make a iBook more versatile and portable by making a "laptop vest".

- I guess that a good way is to take a 12" iBook, remove the display and take the keyboard by attaching it at the back of the vest using mesh nylon to make sure there is no overheat.

here how to remove a display on a 12" iBook:

- Buy somes extension cable to put the display at a certain distance that will allow you to put the display at the front of the vest and make sure that the cable can handle the shock of rough movement.

- Find a way to make the display "touchscreen".

Guess that way, the weight could be well balance and allow you to walk with the iBook. Guess that i just have to make it if i want to know if its work, but i'm not a technical wizard and only asking if this idea make sens.

hi etiennecaron - I have no idea what you're talking about but it sounds great. I wish you the very best of luck with your endeavour. Please post pics when you have finished!
In fact, I think this calls for a thread in its own right - how crazy can you get with a 12" iBook? I've turned mine into a hat which fries wafer-thin slices of aubergine in seconds using the heat generated by my own kidneys. Can anyone beat that?
in short story, the "laptop vest" is for using the Panasonic Dvx100a modified by Reel Stream.

Its doing 1540x990 of resolution, 4:4:4 color sampling and got 9.5 of dynamic range... but only by using their software (ScultorHD) thats ONLY running on Mac (Macmini, powerbook,etc...) trough USB cable. I'm wandering if there is any way to "rig" this wonderfull device to be "more free" of movement by going handheld with a "laptop vest" for the capture.