How to make your website PC-Proof


Got xoot?
Just asking, how do you make your website PC-Proof?

I know how for pre-me systems, just put an <IMG SRC="C:\nul\nul"> or <IMG SRC="c:\con\con">, but for ME, 2000 and XP I don't know how.

Any suggestions?:D
I think there's a way to make the browser check what OS a person is using when they visit a site and redirect them accordingly.
It one thing to not like PC's, its another to actually cause damage to someone else's property. There are some windows/pc users here, you better watch out and not offend anyone.

I dont really see the benifit of not allowing PC users to access a website. I mean, what can they really do to hurt you? You are limiting the things that they see, thus limiting how far they need to expand their minds. Encourage productivity and advancement for all.

I say good day to you sir.
<mode person="xoot" version="1.0a4" feelingstupid="true">Ok, you guys. 'Nuf said. I don't want to get the windows users upset so... case closed.:)</mode>
I think I ran into a few anti-Mac sites that made Macs crash a few years ago. That really pissed me off. :mad:
Originally posted by xoot
I know how for pre-me systems, just put an <IMG SRC="C:\nul\nul"> or <IMG SRC="c:\con\con">, but for ME, 2000 and XP I don't know how.

out of curiousity, I made a site with both of those lines in it, and it definetly didn't crash either 98 or 95.... I'm not malicious or anything, just curious... why?
Just put a javascript in your main page and if the computer is a windows machine just direct them to custom made page saying "I am sorry but you are innadeuatelly prepared for enjoyinng this page. PLease visit your nearest Apple dealer or install UNIX on your machine, your life will be much better post-unix, thank you and have a good day....btw this page will self destruct in 10 seconds"

LOL :p
OK, I just had some fun because I was bored.

Here's a (slightly) nicer thing to do with PC users. It show's a defined number of alert boxes to PC users, with a message (currently 10 alerts, showing "Get a Macintosh!"). It then optionally redirects the user to a url, currently the apple site, but it could be a page of anti-PC jokes... You can configure it to do much - play with it.
<script language="javascript">
//Bernie's anti PC script.
var PC_only = true     // set to false to work on all systems, e.g. for testing on a mac
var reps = 10          // number of alerts to show
var message = "Get a macintosh!"        // message to give to PC users
var redirect = false     //set to true to redirect to a page just for the PC users
var PC_url = ""   // the url of this page

//best not to edit past this line


var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()

if (PC_only == true) {
    var nasty = (agt.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("16bit")!=-1)
} else {
    var nasty = true

if (nasty) {
    alert("Have some bits of advice...")
    for (i=1;i<reps;i++) {
        alert("Bit of advice number "+i+": "+message)
    if (redirect == true) {
        document.location = newpage
I've attached the html page for this script as a text file

Bernie :eek:)


  • anti-pc.txt
    682 bytes · Views: 12
Very good point 2Blings - we must protect the mac faithful PC users, and those mac users who are unfortunate enough to have to use a PC at work. In that case, change the lines:
alert("Have some bits of advice...")
for (i=1;i<reps;i++) {
    alert("Bit of advice number "+i+": "+message)

if (confirm('I see you use a PC, would you actually rather have a different computer?')) {
    alert("Have some bits of advice...")
        for (i=1;i<reps;i++) {
            alert("Bit of advice number "+i+": "+message)
This will check to make sure that only deserving PC trolls are irritated...

Bernie :eek:)

now does that thing actually work? i don't want to try it and nix my PC... i've still gotta use it for my everyday tasks...
I still think my idea is better :rolleyes:
redirect them to a pro mac site and from that sire redirect them back to your actual site....kinda like brainwashing :p
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12

now does that thing actually work? i don't want to try it and nix my PC... i've still gotta use it for my everyday tasks...
If you set the number of alert box repetitions to a low number like 3, then it won't lock up your PC, just minorly irritate it. feel free to test away...

Bernie :eek:)
OK, small update to fix issues and incorporate 2bling's suggestion

<script language="javascript">
//Bernie's anti PC script.
var PC_only = true     // set to false to work on all systems, e.g. for testing on a mac
var reps = 10          // number of alerts to show
var message = "Get a macintosh!"        // message to give to PC users
var redirect = false     //set to true to redirect to a page just for the PC users
var PC_url = ""   // the url of this page

//best not to edit past this line


var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()

if (PC_only == true) {
    var nasty = (agt.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("16bit")!=-1)
} else {
    var nasty = true

if (nasty) {
    if (confirm('I see you use a PC, would you actually rather have a different computer?')) {
        alert("Have some bits of advice...")
        for (i=1;i<reps;i++) {
            alert("Bit of advice number "+i+": "+message)
    if (redirect == true) {
        document.location = PC_url