how to network powerbook to MacOsX tower


I have an older Powerbook G3 266MHz powerbook runningOS 8.6 (This PB does not have a USB card, last model just before USB) I have files I would klike to place on my Dual Processor G4 which runs 10.4.8.
How can I transfer files?

I have tried using my PCMCIA/USB card with my little removable drive, but the PB doesn't see the drive, just the USB card.

Can I connect the two with an ethernet cable, crossover cable, printer to printer cable (some older internet notes suggested this), or ...
Please help!
I don't have facts to back me up, but you should be able to use a crossover cable to transfer files from the PB to the Tower. Hopefully the OS X can see the 8.6 when they are networked.