How to open Powerpoint



I am quite the dinosaur, but have this lovely G5 that I'm trying to learn about & no Mac people out here in the boonies of N Missouri... Anyway, I got great advice the last time I found this site on how to open Word documents with TextEdit for the distance class I'm taking from a regional university. Now the professor has sent out a powerpoint, which I can't open with the TextEdit. Any suggestions? Thx so much.
I have Neo Office and quite frequently, Powerpoint presentations give me the "spinning beachball" problem and I need to force quit Neo Office.

I don't know if MS offers a PPT viewer for the Mac or not, but your best bet for having powerpoint is to download it to a thumb drive and go visit someone with powerpoint, unless you buy MS Office for Mac.

Good luck. You can try the Neo Office solution, but I wanted to let you know my experience. I am running OSX on a Macbook pro with 512 MB ram.
Oh, and if you use a thumb drive, don't forget to eject it before yanking it out of the USB port. You need to eject (eg. drag to the trash) removable media from the Mac.

Don't ask me why I know that. It involves a long convoluted answer that involves ruining a 160 GB external HD backup.