how to overclock power mac G3s?


I 've a blue&white powermac g3 @ 350 Mhz...

i'd like to overclock it ...

may anyone post the jumper setting scheme for this machine ??

i've looked for it on ... but nothing special ....

please help !!
Here is how to overclock a Blue & White G3:

I originally purchased a B&W 400MHz G3 and experimented with overclocking it. At the time I purchased the computer, it was the fastest offering by Apple. It would not work when overclocked to 500MHz, and would work for approximately 30 minutes when overclocked to 450MHz. YOUR BEST OPTION is to go purchase a 500MHz G3 processor daughter card ($200) from or some other vendor. The 500MHz PowerPC G3 will most likely be an IBM chip. Last year just before 9/11, I fried my logic board due to static discharge (ALWAYS ALWAYS have your computer plugged into an electrical outlet BEFORE plugging in the USB keyboard or any other peripheral) and had to purchase a refurbished logic board. Since I didn't know if the logic board and processor daughter card were both fried, I also purchased a CPU daughter card. The speed increase from 400MHz to 500Mhz was quite noticable. For you, it will be VERY noticable. Please note that you will need several jumpers (I ripped mine out of an old PC no one was using) to configure the processor speed. Also, when Apple started using 500MHz and above processors, it started using a larger heat sink. I found an old AMD fan and mounted it on the old 400MHz processor heat sink. You will need another cooling fan if your going to run at 500MHz with your current heat sink. I suggest you download ThermoInDock (Mac OS X) from and run that on the 350MHz G3 and compare the temperature to the 500MHz G3. My CPU operating temperature is about 75°F (24°C). You don't want to over heat a new CPU.

If you experience crashes and wierd behavior when overclocking the 350MHz G3, it might be due to the cache RAM on the daughter card heating up/not working at the speed setting. G3 processor cache RAM operates at one-half the clock rate of the processor; it might not be able to handle the increase. My experience with overclocking is that Mac OS 9 doesn't mind an overclocked processor (for a while - it will eventually crash), but Mac OS X simple refuses to run on an overclocked processor. I experienced a kernel panic during startup every time.

Apple got smart...err...stupid when it used G4 processor daughter cards in the later Macs. Apple put a proprietary chip on the processor daughter card PREVENTING us from doing processor upgrade surgury on our Macs.