how to ...? please i need help


Hi every body... = )
am new to mac world .. i have the macbook pro & i looooove it but i have some questions regarding savign:

whenever i want to save (pictures, videos, music file ...etc) they all saved in the desktop .. how to make it automaticaly pictures saving in PICTURE folder, videos in VIDEOS folder ..... etc ..etc ??

- i've downlaoded some applications such as MSN Messenger for Mac and other things all of the set up files have downlaoded in the desktop .... now i want the desktop to be clean i try to move them inside the MAC HD .. but they won't ... how to ?

-another thing is how to reduce the number of applications in the Dock .. i don't want every thing in the dock ... & then where to find all the programes / applications??

thank you alooot = )
I guess when you're talking about "saving" pictures, videos etc., you're talking about downloading with Safari. You can set the download folder in its preferences. In Tiger, the Desktop folder is the default, in Leopard, there's a separate Downloads folder in your user folder, so the desktop stays clean.

In the Dock, you can can simply drag applications out, as long as they're not running. Jut drag them out and let them drop. They vanish. You can still find the apps in /Applications/ (which also happens to be the place where you should copy the downloaded applications. Not the disk images, but the actual applications within the disk images. After you've copied the apps to /Applications/, you can unmount the disk images and delete them from your downloads folder.
For the last question: TigerLaunch adds a menu to the top of the screen, where is all your programs in alphabetical order. When you install new programs, they will be on the menu on next boot, or you can refresh the menu.
Or use LaunchBar, DragThing or any of the other thousands of launchers available for Mac OS X. ;)