Originally posted by bearpaw45
That's answers it. I was thinking if one is downloading upgrades online how in the heck would you ever get a hold of a disk to do the repair.
I will definitely check out that software you mentioned.
"As for the 10.2.6 Combo Update it should be better if you uninstall/disable any haxies, themes, etc. you may have now because you may end up (after the 10.2.6 with a problematic OS X installation .." Sorry, but I don't know what you mean by haxies and themes?? And is the 10.2.6 a problematic installation? Is this a good upgrade?? I've got everything working smoothly and would sure had to "stir the pot."
No! No! OS X 10.2.6 Combo Update is a MUST have update

Only that if one installs too many haxies and themes then most probably he/she may turn with a problematic OS X installation instead of an updated one
As for what are haxies and themes:
-Haxies are software that usually "enhance" the OS X experience... For example there is one haxie that brings back the system sounds of Mac OS 9 era! However, it turns out that with dramatic system updates those haxies can become useless or at worst to make your system useless until you somehow find a way and fix it
-Themes enable the customization of OS X looks... You must have seen OS X systems that look like previous OS 9 systems, or with different colors, or even like Windows XP

However, when ones messes with themes he/she usually touches basic OS X system files... This, like haxies can be either very fun or very dangerous
In reality if you know what you are doing haxies, themes, other pieces of software will enable you to enjoy working with your OS X even more!
Some VERY good sources of OS X free/shareware/etc. software, are:
Search and you will find LOADS of interesting stuff! And if and when in doubt about something let us know!