how to shut off finder, anyone?


ok I am aware that it is possible to shut off finder. I did it myself like 2 years ago with my old computer. Now with my new computer to years later i forget how to do it. I know it involves putting in a code into terminal, if you guys could help it would be appreciated. I need it off sometimes cuz it creates less lag when i am usin 7 or 8 programs at same time
go to applications/utilities/terminal and type:

defaults write QuitMenuItem 1

Now you can quit the Finder like any other application.

To turn this off go to terminal and type:

defaults write QuitMenuItem 0
Sometimes the Finder can take up RAM, CPU and disk access time that would be put to better use in the applications you're actually using.
I do this occasionally when I need a bit more oomph on my G4 in Logic.