I found this when reading the green guide section of my paper.
Let us know if it works and your wife aggrees to let you buy a new imac.
"But back to that deep and meaningful discussion with the other half. Not only are you going to get more iMac for the money, but you are actually getting the computer for about $1000.
It goes this way: subtract from the $3200 price of the top model the $2000 a standalone LCD screen would cost and you are paying only $1000 for the computer. Add the value of the bundled software - Mac OS X 10.3.5, iLife '04, Nanosaurs, AppleWorks and so on - and, "don't you see, dear, the iMac is actually free!" No spouse could possibly resist such an argument."
Prices are in aussie dollars but, you get the idea.
Read on at The Age, Supersize the screen please
Let us know if it works and your wife aggrees to let you buy a new imac.
"But back to that deep and meaningful discussion with the other half. Not only are you going to get more iMac for the money, but you are actually getting the computer for about $1000.
It goes this way: subtract from the $3200 price of the top model the $2000 a standalone LCD screen would cost and you are paying only $1000 for the computer. Add the value of the bundled software - Mac OS X 10.3.5, iLife '04, Nanosaurs, AppleWorks and so on - and, "don't you see, dear, the iMac is actually free!" No spouse could possibly resist such an argument."
Prices are in aussie dollars but, you get the idea.
Read on at The Age, Supersize the screen please