HOW TO talk yourself into buying a new imac


I found this when reading the green guide section of my paper.
Let us know if it works and your wife aggrees to let you buy a new imac.

"But back to that deep and meaningful discussion with the other half. Not only are you going to get more iMac for the money, but you are actually getting the computer for about $1000.

It goes this way: subtract from the $3200 price of the top model the $2000 a standalone LCD screen would cost and you are paying only $1000 for the computer. Add the value of the bundled software - Mac OS X 10.3.5, iLife '04, Nanosaurs, AppleWorks and so on - and, "don't you see, dear, the iMac is actually free!" No spouse could possibly resist such an argument."

Prices are in aussie dollars but, you get the idea.

Read on at The Age, Supersize the screen please
Enjoy! ;)
ahem....try it for real on a [non-techy expecially] wife. there's not much logic - even perfectly genuine logic - that will get a wife to just surrender to the purchase of a new computer.

....that's why you have to get it for [her?] as a christmas present. lol

my method is kind of a reverse bait and switch:
C'mon honey, I could really, REALLY use the added speed/power of a dual G5 tower, blah, blah, blah (you get the idea).
No? Well, i'd settle for just a 20" cinema display, that'd be about half the price...

suddenly the cost of the display doesn't seem so bad, and I get what I really have my heart set on at the moment...oh wait, still gotta try this method...
My wife was the one who suggested we get a G5 iMac. I could hardly believe my ears.

I'm the one saying, Let's just wait to make sure my contract gets extended...
scruffy said:
My wife was the one who suggested we get a G5 iMac. I could hardly believe my ears.

I'm the one saying, Let's just wait to make sure my contract gets extended...

hold on to that woman TIGHT scruffy! Don't let go brother! :)

Or at least get the iMac before she wakes from her sleep talking...
Well ... I haven't even thought about it, but it looks like I'm getting an iMac G5 17" anyway. Hehe :D
(for home, for work got just a new eMac = 2 not so bad macs to play with now) ...
Hey guy's....


:o :o :o