How to use 10.2, a Linksys Wireless Print Server, and a Laser Printer in harmony


Just got through a half-day of getting my Powerbook running 10.2.2 to print to my Samsung ML-1210 laser printer through a Linksys WPS11 Wireless Print Server so I thought I'd share the info. Of course, now that I've figured it out it's simple!! :rolleyes: ;) Thank goodness for Apple's decision to use CUPS and for!

I don't know how applicable this will be to other printers (probably more likely to be applicable to laser printers), but if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try to help. Here's the basic steps:
(I assume you have an up-and-running local network and a wireless base station like the Apple Airport Base Station, a Linksys BEFW11S4, or whatever. Also, I assume you have some DHCP server as either part of the base station or separate, that hands out ip addresses)

1. Plug power into the WPS11.
2. The wireless part of the WPS11 won't work until its SSID matches your basestation's. (You can find out your SSID by starting up "Internet Connect" and observing the name that's in the "Network" field.) If your network's SSID happens to be "linksys" then you can skip this step. If it's not, you need to temporarily connect the WPS11 to your network with an ethernet cable and then find out what IP address it got. Once you know this you should open a web browser and go to http://x.x.x.x and replace the x's with the ip address that the WPS11 got. A configuration page should pop up. Go to the "Wireless" tab and enter your SSID into the SSID field. Hopefully, you either have wireless encryption (WEP) off in your network or you know what information to enter in those fields. I'm too lazy right now to try to explain how to find it all out. Now unplug the ethernet cable from the WPS11 and it should get it's own wireless ip address. Find out what that ip address is. (Two things to remember: 1. Whenever the web-based configuration utility tells you that the WPS11 needs to be reset to enable your changes, you should briefly unplug the power from the WPS11 and then plug it back in. That's the only way I could get the settings to actually take hold anyway. The "reset" button didn't seem to do much good. 2. To restore factory defaults to the WPS11, pull out the power plug, hold down the reset button, keep holding the reset button down while you plug power back in, and keep holding it for 10 more seconds after doing that. Oh yeah - then let go.;))
3. If you can get the WPS11 to work with your printer using AppleTalk then more power to you. I couldn't. If you can't or don't want to bother trying, then follow this step. Go to the web based configuration utility by opening a web browser and typing in http://x.x.x.x (change x's to the wireless ip address of the WPS11) Go to the "Server" tab and disable Appletalk.
4. Plug the ML-1210 printer into the WPS11.

Since the ML-1210 is not a postscript printer you need an "interpreter" that will translate postscript print jobs into something the ML-1210 can understand. Got to for more info on this.
1. Download and install this free ESP Ghostscript interpreter:
2. Download and install this file: (adds the specific configurations for several Samsung printers):

1. Open Print Center and go to the "Printer List" window.
2. Click the "Add" icon.
Follow the settings from the attached picture, changing "" to the IP address of your printer, and choosing your printer model. "P1" is the printer queue name that Linksys uses for this print server.

Voila! Hopefully you can now print! Good luck!


  • printcentersettings.jpg
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I tried this and I send jobs to the printer but nothing comes out and there is no error message. Anything else I could be missing?