How to use OSX to config router?


I have PowerBook OSX 10.4 and I want to use this lapstop in my network jobs.

What program can I use to config router by connect directly to router (serial => USB cable) like I use HyperTerminal in PC platform.

And anyone have any suggestion about program or tip for networking job.

Thank you!
Routers are normally setup through a browser page.

More info is needed.
What make/model router?
Have you looked in the Network PreferencePane in System Preferences?
Routers are normally setup through a browser page.

More info is needed.
What make/model router?
Have you looked in the Network PreferencePane in System Preferences?

I think he's referring to a more robust router like the Cisco Catalyst models or HP ProCurves which allow for access to the IOS either through a remote connection like SSH or Telnet, or through a console port using a rollover cable and an RJ-45 to DB9 serial adapter.

I've seen it done with a DB9-serial-to-USB adapteron an HP computer, so I'm sure it's possible. As for a terminal emulator, there's ZTerm which is OS X native.