HOW TO: Use Pine and IMAP and SSL and email


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I see this forum still has broken, hideous themes. No matter, I'm just popping in again to share what I learned about using Pine to access email with IMAP and SSL.

First, you'll probably need the latest pine which I think is 4.44, and it will need SSL support. If you use fink you can do 'fink install pine-ssl'.

Forget everything you might have heard about folder collections--at least, I couldn't get that to work right for me.

From Pine's main menu, hit 'S' for Setup and 'C' for config. Use the down-arrow to move down to the "inbox-path" parameter and hit 'C' for Change. Type in the following line, changing robertharder (my username) to your username:


Substitute your username for username.

I think you can get away with not having the novalidate-cert and user=username parts, but it will save you some alert screens. Anyhoo, try restarting pine, and Pine will ask for your password. You should then be able to hit 'I' for Index and read your inbox.

For some reason, pine will sometimes get some kind of SSL negotiation error and may then ask you for a password to use non-SSL IMAP or may fail entirely. The whole thing is pretty weird, if you ask me. Just quit pine and try again.

Basically, either Pine's IMAP/SSL support is still very buggy or Apple's implementation of IMAP/SSL support is very buggy. I don't know which.

