How's this for OS X?

BlingBling 3k12

Somewhere... dunno though
i have a great option of possibly buying a PowerMac 7200... would me adding in the Sonnet Tech G4 Upgrade at 400 MHz (with AltiVec) be good for running OS X? I know I won't get kick ass power with it, but having it around would just be awesome!

So my question is... would upgrading a 7200 to 400 MHz G4 be good for running OS X?
Personally, I don't think getting old machines and upgrading their CPUs is worth it. I usually wait 2 or so years, give my Mac to my brother or some other relative (when it is still very usable), and get a new one for myself.
well that's your opinion...

do you think OS X would run good on the 400 MHz G4 Upgrade card?

I would also be adding a 40 GB hard drive (with the hard drive upgrade card) and a USB/FireWire card which would take up all of the PCI slots...
Well, it'll probably be slower on an upgraded PPC but OSX runs pretty good on my real G4 400, so it probably wouldn't be that bad.
Don't bother. With the amount of money it costs to buy the upgrade, you could be halfway to a used real G4. And the 7200 will have a very slow bus, making it even more unbearable. The 7200 is about 5 years old, and OS X just wasn't made to work on it. :(
Not to mention the trouble of actually getting OS X on there. I am actually using a PowerMac 8500 with a Sonnet Crescendo G3 450 MHz upgrade card and the only way I can get it on there is with a $30 upgrade from their site, which I've yet to do.