[HOWTO] - automatic internet sharing on USB DSL/dialup


I have a setup where I'm connected to the net via a USB DSL modem - so it's not connected during startup but rather after Finder loads. Because of this, everytime I restart the Internet Sharing (OSX10.2.4) gets turned off (sharing is done over crosover ethernet cables to two PC's which could be on or off, but this bit already works).

Does anyone know how I could lock internet sharing (and windows file sharing, which also resets) to be always on and not reset after a restart, or failing that the script/comand line commands I could autorun on startup to turn sharing on?

Can't be done with a USB modems.

USB modems suck I'm afraid. You should try upgrading to an Ethernet one.
What about issuing the comands to start sharing through a script? This must be possible as BrickHouse enabled sharing when launced, not on startup, and therefore could be used to automatically enable sharing on a USB DSL modem.

Any idea on what those commands were?