[HOWTO] - Clone a finder window.


After much ado, here's the final script and a link to it's source. The script works great, and if you download Keyboard Maestro, you can assign a hotkey in the Finder that will clone the Finder Window. If you're not sure why you would need this feature, then you might not need this feature. For all of those who do need this feature, here's the Apple Script:

tell application "Finder"
get the exists of the front Finder window
if the (exists of the front Finder window) is true then
set newWindow to target of front window
set oldView to current view of front window
make new Finder window to newWindow
set current view of front window to oldView
end try
make new Finder window to alias ":"
set the current view of the front Finder window to column view
end try
end if
end tell

link is here:


:) thanx2 profx
wow, thats just what i've been looking for, thanks!

One step better, i think, is to make it into a Clone Button in the toolbar of every finder window...

I pasted the applescript into the Script Editor and saved it as an Application. Then placed that new applescript application in my Finder Window Toolbar (with Finder > View > Customize Toolbar...). Now each window has a Clone Button!