HP J4169A 610N 10/100 Ethernet JetDirect Internal


Hello, I'm new to this great forum:
I recently bought an HP Laserwriter 2100 printer, soon I found out that I could'nt use it because it wasn't USB capable, so I bought a HP J4169A 610N 10/100 Ethernet JetDirect Internal with the hope of being able to print via ethernet, the card came with out software, when I tried to access the HP website, it tells me the firmware is not available for MAC OS X, currently I'm running OS 10.4.6, can anybody help me or I painted myself against a corner, shot myself in the foot...etc.etc.
thank you in advance
Got some info here:

The setup software isn't really necessary, just easier.
Get the printer/jetdirect current IP address by pressing two buttons on the front/top of the printer simultaneously. (Should print a config page)
Find the Mac's IP address in System Prefs>Network.
Use the Terminal App in Applications>Utilities to connect to the Jetdirect with this command:
telnet [current_jetdirect_IP]

Follow the online help to set a new IP address that is in the same subnet, but away from the computer's IP - example, computer is, make jetdirect Turn off DHCP in Jetdirect, and if you like, check that appletalk/ethertalk is on.

Now, Add the printer in Printer Setup, using IP printer > HP Jetdirect comm protocol.

Hope this helps.
thank your quick reply, I got the printer's IP adress and my computer's IP too. when I open the terminal app and type the command, the machine responds: no match
his is what I tried:
telnet[printer's IP_jetdirect_computer's IP]
telnet[computer's IP_jetdirect_printer's IP]
none of this commands work
what am I doing wrong?
thanks again
Did you leave a space after telnet? Example -

I think you need to describe your network (including router), and tell us the IP addresses (If you have a router, these will be local, non-internet addresses).