HP Moniter Woes



I've had a HP A4576A 21" Moniter for around 10 months - was given it by a friend who had it for around 3 months previous.

In the last few days the screen has begun to pulse. almost as if the contrast and clour is being slightly twtiched up and down very quickly. It does this for a few seconds then stops for a few minutes. If I turn the moniter off for a while and then back on again it's ok for while and then the problem comes back.

originally it happened a few weeks back and i simply unpluged it, checked all the conections and the problem went away. Tried that again but it seems to have gotten wise to that trick.

Asked my friend (who gave it to me) whether he'd had any trouble with it and he said no - his advice was to 'give it a whack' next time.

Before I resort to phsyical violence against an inanimate object can anyone help?!

thanks in advance!

Physical violence probably wouldn't hurt it. It sounds like it may be going down the tubes... since there are none in there.

Okay, first, check around the room. Do you have a fluorescent light nearby? A fan or a radio or a stereo? These will affect the monitor.

It could be that the monitor is on its way out. The timing may be several months or next week. I had an Apple Monitor die on me with the same symptoms. At first, the twitch was sporadic, then it started more frequently.

Sorry, I didn't give you any better news. :(
oh no!

thought that this was the case though - my desk set up has twp apple pro speakers either side of the screen and a small desklamp on one side too. there's a cd player but thats on the other side of the room.

it's doing it's thing right now - hang on - i'm gonna 'give it a whack'...

...wow, the screen jumped a little but the twitch seems to have stopped!..oh wait it's back. i'm two storeys up, maybe if i dropped it out the window?

ho hum.

better start saving for a new moniter...

thanks for the reply cheryl.