I am trying to figure out how to remove Mac OS X 10.5 from my External Hard Drive


I have been searching for 2 days on how to remove the software upgrade dvd from my external hard drive. I have not figured out a way to do so. So I used my external hard drive as a disk to upload the OSX 10.5 onto my iMac, now everytime I turn on my computer it thinks i am trying to install leopard again. I need help removing the leopard dvd from my external hd. Please do not post unless you are going to help. All that n00b nonsense and telling me to search will not help. Please I need this.
My computer boots up normally, but I dislike the action of turning the hard drive on and off y'kno.
So wait to turn on the external drive until after the iMac is
booted up and you are logged in to the internal drive,then
click on the external drive in finder to locate and delete the
upgrade disk files.

*setting the startup disk to the internal disk in System Preferences, as earthsaver suggested, makes sense as well.