I can never tell the difference


Ministry of Re-Education
I've been watching movies for 28 years and I still can't tell the difference between Nick Nolte and Gary Busey, can you?


Gary Busey - and his fantastic teeth


Another incredibly flattering photo of Nick Nolte.

They're 100% cross-compatible.
haha, how odd you would compare the two of them, as i always picture those two hanging out at some random bar and getting all drunk together.

they need to do a movie together, badly.
Never mixed those two... I don't want to to elevate my movies status or something but I never mixed ANY actors! On the contrary the people who know me, they all respect my talent of remembering the majority of movies' details even for those crap ones, be old or new ones :rolleyes: :D
Nick Nolte is the one who recently got busted for being rip-roarin high on GHB, the date rape drug. He must have gotten confused on who he was supposed to give the drug too, unless of course, he was trying to get lucky with himself. With a face like that, GHB has got to be a staple.
Most of you will not remember this crazy made-for-TV movie that Busey was in in 1990 called Hider in the House but it was hilarious. Basically, Busey is a psychopath who just get's out of jail after like 30 years for murdering his parents, then he likes this one chick he meets in the neighborhood, but she already has a family. So he ends up, in conjuction with all kinds of other wierd things, hiding in the Attic of her house and carves out wierd tunnels and peep holes and gets totally obsessed with the family, stealing their family photo's and pasting them up in his little hideaway, tearing up the picture of her husband in the wedding photo - in a really really funny part, the house cat finds his little hiding spot and starts meowing too loud, so he snaps it's neck. The dad has some fling with another woman and then Busey steps in to kill the dad - but he ends up dead and the tragic events bring the family back together in a cheesy happy ending.

Very good for laughs. A Lifetime Channel original movie, and as you can imagine, a rare, rare, gem of brilliant acting. or Not.

Anyway a lot of people I know have seen this movie, so it's an in-joke around here that any time someone is home alone, we call them the Hider in the House.

Blah...that's all I can say about what that movie sounds like to me. :p

Err...with those teeth, all you'd need to do to tell them apart is watch 'em smile. :D
Have YOU ever experienced a Juicy Busey?

That movie sure sounds like one...
ummm, can't say that I have experiences a 'Juicy Busey'. But then again I don't know what one is.

Arden, what are you doing awake at the unholy time of 5am?