I don't get FileVault

Brian G.

I have to say that I am somewhat perplexed by the File Vault feature. Why would you really want to encrypt your WHOLE home directory?

I realize that people want to secure things from time to time, but it really seems like the need is really for a "Folder Vault" that encrypts the contents of select folders.

Oh wait, you can do this yourself. Open Disk Utility and create a new disk image from folder, and choose to encrypt it. Now it is a simple manner to "automount" the disk image when you log in or when ever you want.

The primary advantage is that you don't pay a penalty for encrypting stuff that doesn't need to be encrypted like iMovie movies or whatever.

FileVault should really support adhoc folders rather than the whole bloody home directory.

Brian G.
I think it's more for situations in which you have a number of people who share a computer. Filevault will encrypt each person's Home folder, which can then only be accessed when that person logs in.

You really don't have a need for it if you're the only person who uses your computer.
I think that filevault is a valuable feature for people traveling with laptops which could potentially be stolen or lost, because it will be a lot harder for someone to open up an account on the computer and un-encrypt everything. If I have work documents or finance info I don't want that getting away from me if I lose my laptop (if I had a laptop...).
i don't know... now you have 2!!! passwords to choose from

(but i do like that when you do target disk mode, it shows up as an "image" instead of it just flaping in the breeze. That always freeked me out)