I don't like this...

Pal (Removable desktop)
Q8 (Digital/Video Camera)
Viceroy (iChat with Video Confrencing)
Memento (New iPhoto)
Motorola 7457

and the IBM PPC970 all slotted for WWDC?

Seems like a dream come true, but it worries me. If apple does release the PPC970 in a powermac then no one is even going to give the other releases even a look.

Could this be apples way of distracting us so we wont be so disapointed when it turns out that the only revision is a slighly faster G4?

I dont know. I sure hope not. I realllly want that 970 tower...
Whatever happens it will amaze the world, SJ is going for the shock and awe approach. Apple has been way too quiet lately. Although they've come out with some amazing stuff these last months there has been relatively little fanfare. WWDC is the biggie, hold onto your socks, here we go!
as much as i look forward to an eventful week of the 23rd, it always feels like the mac community in general gets their hopes up much too high. i hope that this won't be an example of overinflated hopes leading to disappointment with what actually happens, because i know that if apple doesnt release a 2.0 ghz ppc-970 i will be almost dissappointed.
but it does seem like whatever happens at wwdc will be almost surreal for the mac community. so many tidbits of information have come out that it would be hard to believe that some of it doesnt go together. i can't wait !
as much as i hope wwdc will bring pc burning android macintoshes, i think more about keeping myself grounded and not believing all of the different rumors floating around.
There seem to be A LOT more rumors around this time than there have been for almost all Macworld Expos in the last few years..

I just wish there was an online stream of Steve's WWDC keynote available.
Originally posted by thisbechuck
Pal (Removable desktop)
Q8 (Digital/Video Camera)
Viceroy (iChat with Video Confrencing)
Memento (New iPhoto)
Motorola 7457

and the IBM PPC970 all slotted for WWDC?

Seems like a dream come true, but it worries me. If apple does release the PPC970 in a powermac then no one is even going to give the other releases even a look.

Could this be apples way of distracting us so we wont be so disapointed when it turns out that the only revision is a slighly faster G4?

I dont know. I sure hope not. I realllly want that 970 tower...

Imagine if we will really get all these at 23th, soon after, or even some of them earlier... PLUS updated PowerBooks or even the new G4s from MOTO...

Apple will make even some of the hardest headstrongs out there stir their heads and take a hard look and then drool over Apple's offerings... :p :D ;)

What's unfortunate is that Apple will be the victim of the rumormill even though they had nothing to do with starting said rumors.

I know I will be disappointed if they don't deliver, but I try to remind myself that they never told us they would. All they've promised us at this point is a better OS via Panther. Everything else is complete speculation (based on some decent circumstantial evidence, I guess, but still...).

We Mac users do this to ourselves every single time. I've never seen another community like us. We are so freaking demanding and we build ourselves into these frenzies. It's an amazing sociological study actually.

Having said that, I'm optimistic. But, then I'm always optimistic about these events. Half the time, I'm right. Half the time I'm wrong. Here's to hoping I'm right this time.
Personally, I'd like to see the 970 debut. I don't care if it is 2.0 GHz, 1.5 GHz. Anything above two squirrels with a pencil and scratchpaper will be fine with me. I'd like to see better pricing and a nicer looking box really. One that has major bugs worked out. In time the processor will get very much faster.

I'm more interested in whether or not it would be a DP machine. If I remember correctly, the 970 will have two processors on the chip. If it has to processor boards and each processor will have in essence two processors on the chip, will we see in essence 4 processor Macs? A stable 4 processor Mac that is supported adequately by software would really be fast.

I don't even care if the new machines (if they are released) are slower than the Dell counterpart because when I an interested in buying the Dell counterpart I am going to buy it regardless of what the Mac can do.
But it is reality check in the first place that hints to us that such things are about to come out from Apple be it 23rd of this very month or later on! :p :D ;)

Originally posted by mindbend
What's unfortunate is that Apple will be the victim of the rumormill even though they had nothing to do with starting said rumors.
I agree with you that we get ourselves really worked up with no support from Apple whatsoever, though I disagree that it is just here. I see the same thing on several other Mac forums.

I have to believe that Apple is glad that people are interested but otherwise really wish all of this misdirected enthusiasm would go away. After all, it can't be good for them that two or three times a year we whip ourselves into a frenzy believing that the future is at hand, and then have to face the disappointment of not seeing everything under the tree. That's not to say that Apple does not deliver, but I generally see only about a quarter of what everyone is claiming is definitely going to arrive.

That all being said, I really hope that the PPC970 is not a myth and will be a reality. Unlike some I don't believe that it will be shipping any earlier than November, possibly not until Macworld SF in January. Of course Steve and the rest are cordially invited to prove me wrong :-D As for the rest of things listed in the original post, I really could care less. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 are not at all intersting to me and I believe that #2 is pure myth. #4 sounds like an attractive idea since I have some issues with iPhoto, but I question a new product name/line rather than a new version. #5 is definitely something that is needed, but I haven't seen the kind of legitimate press on the existence of such a thing that has been available on the 970 (we know the 970 exists, we just don't know for sure that Apple is going to use it). And either way I don't anticipate buying any machines with G4s in them if Apple does move the pro line to the 970.
I'd like to see better pricing and a nicer looking box really. One that has major bugs worked out.
Um. Explain? I mean, first and foremost. It is still a computer. Yes SOME computers can look particularly un-attractive, or particularly attractive. But what the case looks like isn't going to affect in any way the performance of the computer, or the way a peson CAN (not will/does) use it.
Having said that, what is wrong with the appearance of the current machines? I'll admit the eMac is a bit large, but it's designed to be a cheap school computer.
And as for bugs.. Other than the noisy fans in the Mirrored Drive Doors PowerMacs, or the occasional faulty optical/hard drive (which are supplied by pioneer/sony/ibm?(western digital?) and thus out of apples control) what bugs do you want sprayed with the proverbial Baygon??
this may offen some but i would be simply a matter of time before the windows world crushed the mac world without this massive update.

tey are put it all on the line with this. early data show a heated batle between the 970 and the P4. they making a brand new OS. if this flops where does this leave them.

please correct me if i'm worng

I have NEVER seen such a large movement by a single company. if this doesn't pan out there with be a lot of disaapointed people.
It is a large jump by apple, but they have done it before in the past. maybe the G3 to the G4 powerpc chips are not such a good example since they are both from motorola, but there was a point where the apple relied on a 8bit MOStek 6502 (anything from 1976-1983). Then apple made the jump to the Motorola 68000 they stuck with this up until 95, where they switched to the PowerPC chips. 7 years between the MOStek and the 68000, 12 years between the 68000 and the PPC, another 7 years puts us in 2003...

Of course apple probably wont make the jump all at once either. First the servers and the pro machines, and then as the year ends and the new year begins updating more of the consumer electronics and laptops.

Besides, of couse it's revolutionary. What did you expect from a company with the slogan "Think Different".