i feel like complaining

i just felt like b!tching about how much i hate the computers at my school.. they are 366 mhz pc's running NT 4.0 and 128 ram.. they crash all the time, the network is slow, and today i lost 3/4 of my files !!!! arg, back in the day they had 6 first generations imacs, but nooo we had to get a bunch of peecee's blah. luckly i learned allitle ms-dos and i can shut down the hole school from my workstation... ooooooo i love it, haha no internet for you principal!
I feel your pain. I have to spend 40 hours a week on a [censored] Dell running WinNT. And folks who b*tch about IE's performance on OS X should see what a pile of cr@p it is on Windoze!
OH YEAH! I have to use older Peecees than that at my school. And I use them in graphic publication. pc and graphics do not go together. I use M$ word and publisher, for Desktop Publishing. CRAP I tell you, CRAP!

IE: It crashes when I check my email ay yahoo. That is a crappy browser.
I would complain about the macs in my classroom (average 500MB hard drive...) But we have first generation iMacs and 3 G3s in the computer labs so... who's complaining =)
Well... half of our school has PCs, and the other half has Macs. They are all graphite iMacs. I would guess they are around 400-500mhz. But the school and the jerk-off kids do not take care of them at all. The iMacs in the photography room are really slow. But the internet connection if really fast! I saw it moving at 50k per second.
All our QuickSilver G4s were taken away when the Art faculty moved to another campus, leaving the rest of us with [also censored] HPs. They take four minutes to boot-up, another minute to log on, and generally don't work. I only use them if some dork gives me an assignment on floppy disk.
I draw some mixed reactions when I flip open my iBook, plug into a network jack and am up and running in under three seconds. Still, I can't help but wonder what it is people are actually learning.
We get Pentium 1 (read it, ONE) 133's, which don't do much. You can surf the web at a snails pace, and connect to our crappy network and use Word. Useful? I think not.

Stranger still, the fifth grade gets slot loading iMacs! How fair is this? :o

Oh well, that's what a TiBook's for, right? :)
Once I get my damn screen repaired, I'll bring in my 300 MHz Blueberry iBook, which with 192 MB of ram STILL runs OS X better than my iceBook/500... pathetic, really.

We use Pentium II 500s, Pentium III 667s, Pentium III 900s, and Pentium II 266s. Of these, one machine (!), a PII 500 or 533, runs Windows really really really well. (Scary, isn't it?) No one can figure it out, as it runs Win98 faster than many far faster machines I know of (it's a 500 and it moves faster than a 933)... but it's never working. When it is, it's REALLY fast (if you can get a hold of it before someone takes it :))

I can't wait to have my little temple of Blueness back in school! :) Even tho it's slow, it's such a joy to use :)
My school has a damned contract with Dell so we get horrible Celeron 2 1ghx machiens. For PC's they're actualy not bad, but I miss my iMac when I'm there.

I seriously can not wait to get my iBook, because even though teh tech guys say i can't connect a mac on a Win2K/Novell network, they obviously havn't met OS X. I will prve them wrong. And once I have that, I have absolutely NO need for the other comps. I have Word. I have IE. What else do I need?
You certainly don't need IE or Word :)

Seriously, AppleWorks can do anything Word can (that you'd ever need) and yeah, IE is good to have, but don't use it as your default browser! Get the lastest OmniWeb beta; it's getting really good.

Check out Composer on VersionTracker... if you want a simple, easy word processor that looks and acts like a true OS X app, it's the only way to go. Except for reading Word files, it's the best little word processor I've used. :)
And if you just need to read .doc files (why would you want to actually EDIT them?), you can get the UNIX command-line app antiword. It converts them to PDF and works pretty well.

-the valrus
Err, well seeing as I haev PAID for Office v.X I think I'll use that. And I actually like Word X (I hear flame thowers being loaded :P )

And IE. I'll try OmniWeb, but I don't have any REAL hate against IE just because it's Microsoft. I think it's pretty pathetic to call an app crud just because it has a Microsoft badge on the box.
Oh, no, don't misunderstand me. In fact, many many times I still go back to IE just because of one feature is has, one page it loads correctly, etc. IE is the only MS app I really like using (although, I'll admit, Word v.X has a decent interface, I don't like how everything's so buried). I am NOT just a Microsoft basher. I just don't like their overall app design too much. I mean, you compare Word and Composer. Just try it. Word looks great, Composer looks breathtaking. Word has a lot of features; Composer has most of them done RIGHT.

It's really just a question of the design you like better--Omni-oriented design (a la Composer)--a very clean, somewhat simple interface or multiple-function design (a la Microsoft) where you know you can do just about anything and it's all just a matter of finding the functions you want.

I think that if you do enjoy IE there's probably not much point in using OmniWeb. The only reason I switched is that I loved the OW interface. As for Word vs. other apps, try 'em all, see what suits your work the best.