I formatted a drive in OSX using UFS, now I can't access from linux.


I have an external firewire drive that I formatted from OS X using the UFS format. I'm at home now, away from the mac, and I can't access the drive from linux.

Can someone PLEASE tell me how to access a UFS drive from Redhat 9? I'm desperate!


Well the first question is do you even have UFS support copiled into your kernel. As I remember it is not part of the default installs. I am not at my Linux box but look under the /proc and if I remember correctly theree is a file there you can cat to see all of the file formats your box understands.

If UFS is not there you need to go recompile your kernel to include it if it is then look at the man page for mount and look for UFS it should give you the systax and the flags for mounting a UFS partition.

the file in question is /proc/filesystems (just cat it).

My generic debian stable box doesn't show UFS.

From a little work on google:

1) there is a kernel module called 'ufs' which may allow read-only access.

2) -o ufstype=openstep must be used on the mount command, as there are several ufs variants.

3) It appears UFS support isn't well documented at all, and may or may not build.

I know this though, its trivial to do in FreeBSD.