I have made a scan from the original cd that contains the Apple Macintoshsong!


I have tried to make the image readable. To see it look at the 14th song. This cd is made in a very low quantity.

i don't get it..... what's all the fuzzz about Rock Power?? I just don't get it, someone EXPLAIN!
it is teh rock power! Ultimate listening now for CD on the computer but flat screen music bounce! The note!
tree is herve. :D
some love him and some hate him. if you don't want to read his posts, put him on your ignore list. otherwise, enjoy all that is herve. :)
herve isn't trying to sell a cd. the post in this thread is simply to inform everyone that herve made a copy of the apple macintosh song - whatever that is. as far as all his links to rock power, herve is just letting us know where we can go to hear his song - "Let's the DJ." Herve has been telling us about his recording and music. go there and see a picture of herve as well. he does look alot like Muldar.

other factoids about herve/tree -

he is Belgian and most of his posts are run thru Bablefish. think about how much trouble we have decifering his posts - can you imagine what it must be like for him to read ours after he gets them translated? :p

herve was last known to be using a pre G3 mac that couldn't run os x. he desperately dreamed of getting a new imac. his sister has been hit by lightening. the macosx.com cafe used to be named after him. there is still a thread there that honors him - Herve's Bar & Grill. there is also a Herve's Bar & Grill at another mac forum site. Herve finally got his graduate degree i think. Many have debated whether herve is human or not. i sincerely believe he is. i like herve. herve is the only one who is allowed to post off topic on this site. (hey, i even move Admin's threads after a while :D ) Herve plays guitar. herve has problems getting a girlfriend. and now, for some reason, herve is tree. did i mention i like herve? he's weird enough. (which is a compliment around my house) :)
I listened to the hit song "Let's the DJ"

It's a very emotional and compelling piece, but what got me most is that the voice in the song sounds exactly like the voices in this flash movie called "mario-twins" or "shiggity-shiggity-schwa" or something like that!

The idea behind Rock Power and the song is entertainment. The Macintoshsong is made for students to learn. The song is in English but the included comments are dutch.
Herve back is? Happen did this when? I happy am! The gleefully! So long that Herve been away has for my long lost buddy's posts I came to missing. No Oh! Something happened wierd.

with himself it that came to pass upon a night lighted , to MacOSX.com returned Herve. The moon!

Theeble thurber thwiffel thwacker.