I have to vent!


I just left a dinner party at my neighbors...
His brother-in-law was there and we got to talking about computers.
He asked if I had seen those lame apple ads.
I said I thought they were kinda cool and that I loved my Macs over my PCs (yes, I have both... multiple machines).

He then asked me, and here is where I had to start biting my tongue, if they were up to what version 7?

OK, so we know he is outa touch.
Now, I really like my neighbors so I really held back here...

I began explaining that no, system 7 came out well before Windows 95 did and that we were using OSX, a completely new OS based on UNIX. "Oh" he replied, noting the blank stare at the mention of UNIX I went on to explain the virtues of the mac and OSX. How my Mac had been running almost continuously for a full year without a crash, how I have all the latest apps including Office, etc.

This guy then tells me how his company is still using legacy DOS apps! Oh, and even the servers are NT, but they are thinking of going with Win2K.

So I go on about system stability and security issues and he still goes on to tell me how the PC is better because all businesses use it and even the schools are going PC, he tells me all the schools in Miami are PC. Of course I have to tell him about the schools in Miami that are all iBook and Airport, you know 802.11b. "What is Airport?" he asks... wireless friggin networking, what century are you computing in!

Then when he left, he says "Good luck with those Apples, we'll see where you are in 10 years."

Even if I stuck with OSX.1 I would still be 20 years ahead of those DOS apps you are saddled with!

OK, sorry had to vent.

Is the rest of the world still convinced that there are no apps for MacOS and that we are that far behind? I curse Sculley and the dearth of marketing in the "Dark Years"
The HS I went to in Miami was full of original IBM XT's. Hell, our CompSci class wanted to learn C, but we couldn't find a C compiler that would fit on a 5.25" floppy :)

Woah. And I thought I had it bad. :eek:

Yeah, you get this a lot. I have no idea where this belief comes from as it clearly has no foundation in reality. Fact is, I would've still believed macs were quaint if it wasn't for a couple of things.

1. I used high-end Sun server systems at work, so I knew that there had to be something better out there than PCs.

2. I did a CD cover design on a borrowed mac G3 once, while visiting a sound studio. I also watched as the studio director used his mac to do some sound processing in a couple of seconds that took me over an hour of mucking with my PC the day before.

4. A mate brought his iMac G3 into work one nightshift, mainly for the purpose of watching DVDs, but he had an early beta of Mac OS X installed, and being a unix fan, I had to take a look ...
To make a long story short…

We’re a software company (Windows), our office mainly deals in sales, support and the company’s online presence.

Boss had me price servers…

We ended up getting a Mac Server (or a Mac acting as a Server) because there was just no PC Server that had everything we needed and wanted in our budget. Plus you know me and Macs! :) But I swear that when I mentioned the Xserve (even though we didn’t get it) I was just joking! :D

For some reason he was hearing everything about the server except that it was a “Mac”.

So when it finally arrived, I configured it and had it running the entire office beautifully without a problem, interacting with our PC Workstations without a hitch, hosting all our files.

After about a week he finally pops into our office - sees the tower and FREAKS! He asks “what is that?”

Coworker: “that’s the Server we ordered”
Boss: ”But that’s a Mac!”

He nearly popped a gasket and almost had us return it for the simple fact that it was a Mac!

Coworker explained to him that we can’t get a PC Server within budget with everything he wants and what we need. She explained that it’s working nicely – even better than the temporary server we had. Then he realized that his software was running on OSX (Virtual PC actually) and that we had been interacting with it, and nearly peed his pants! :D

I knew once I got a Mac into the office – especially as a Server, it’d be the perfect Trojan Horse!

My coworker didn’t like Macs (putting it lightly) and here she was defending it ready to fight the boss to keep it in the office!
And the boss?
“I would buy one just for the keyboard and screen savers” uhuh… sure dude – admit it, you like Macs now! ;)

I don’t think the coworker would switch tho – especially since I’ll be building her a PC later this week, but she has done a full 180 and has a LOT of respect for Macs now.

And the boss wants me to port his software over to OSX… um.. yeah… sure – if I knew anything about programming! Shesh! :D

Woops... this came out longer than I thought it would! So sue me! heh :p
Well, in short I work at a pc store where we sell custom built pcs and laptops that we resell from other companies. Anyhow....people come around and ask the techs on duty advice on what to buy, etc..and a lot of the times I will inface recommend them getting an apple. This usually comes when they are wanting a laptop and I advise them that the quality of pc laptops is nothing to be amazed about and that they are usually pretty poor and quality. I've had at least 3 customers come back with a new iBook or powerbook and have me show them how to use it briefly in the store, it's pretty amusing though, because the boss really doesn't appreciate this, but screw'em...I'd rather tell people the facts then sell another crappy laptop to them...i'm not a sales person, i'm a tech...that's always my arguement :)