I like the new "harvest" site!!


Staff member
Okay, at first, I wasn't sure if I like it... but it is growing on me. In fact, sometimes I load the site just because it looks cool. Not that I need to keep up with what is going on or anything. ;)

I don't like the gray version, but for those who use it, do you like it too?

Just getting some feedback. No poll for this thread.

I like both. Well, perhaps leaning towards the autumn color scheme. After the initial adjustment, one can easily grow accustom to either. I also enjoy the surprise of change once in a while. You have a knack for blending hues. It's such a delicate balance to create a page that's comfortable to read yet have some sort of vibrancy. Hats off to you.
I really like the gray. It wouldn't be my 1st choice still, but i like it. I like that you added the buttons in color! Again, orange and gray is not my favorite combo, but it is nicer than all gray. Button colors that would look great with gray might be reds, purples, turquoises, burgandies, and blues. There have been studies on the emotional effects that different colors have on a majority of people. As i remember, orange is a very stimulating color that some 'over respond' to. I will try to run down some of these studies and report back about them in a week or two (if you're the least bit interested that is). Of course, you're the moderator and you should be able to see how 1st hand if people are getting a little carried away. Of course the emotional charge of the upcoming holidays might be a confounding factor.
there's an idea, red and greeen for the holidays. (just kidding, i'll be seeing too much of this combo everywhere i go for the next month)