I Love the 80s!


Mac of the SubGenius! :-)
Let's see how many you can remember... :D


Here's my rating, with a score of 77...rather embarrased as my wife got a higher score and she's 6 years younger than me. :eek: I was born in 1972.

Heh, I got a 100. And ooh, I got 10 points for knowing an Eagles song. :rolleyes:

Just so you feel bad, I'm 5 years younger than you. ;)

Darkshadow said:
Heh, I got a 100. And ooh, I got 10 points for knowing an Eagles song. :rolleyes:

Just so you feel bad, I'm 5 years younger than you. ;)

And my wife is a year younger than you and she got 123. :p (Sorry, but I HAD to take the thunder away from your score. HeheH)

I wonder if it has something to do with being older and retaining things (or lack thereof). Who knows.. :p
Probably more to do with what kind of music you listen to. I actually have a lot of those songs.

If I didn't go half assed through it, I would have gotten a higher score. :p Or, if I had sat there and went through my iTunes library. Heh

"You're a little young to remember all this. 10% bonus.
5 point bonus for telling me where you saw this. Thanks!"

I was born in 1985. And I like the Eagles.
Sure, and how well do you remember everything from when you were 5 and younger? :p

Hmm, and is that a Converse shoe?