I love you Apple


Last year I was a Windows-fan(PM me and I'll tell you why) defending my system. I was told DVD would suck, and I set out to prove that wrong...I failed.
What I did was buying a bulk ATAPI DVD-ROM wich (even though it was bulk) came with a floppy-disc containing drivers.
I was really excited, cause I was told software was all over the net.

So I installed this drive and spent 6 hours forcing my computer to take the 200KB driver. After countless reboots, I finally got it running as a CD-rom(hooray, Windows achknowleged it's existence). So I set out to find the software needed...this was trouble. I tried countless programs, none of wich supported my DVD-rom before I finally found one playing my DVDs, but shabby, glitchy and without sound.

Where am I going with this?
A few months back I bought the QuickSilver G4 computer with CD-RW, and today I decided to give it a try. I removed the burner and inserted the DVD-rom. As I pressed the power-button I was sure the Mac was gonna blow up, but it started booting OS X. Sure enough, not only was the thing fully supported by Finder, but I tried a movie, and it played perfectly in DVD Player.

I love Apple!:D
Funny to see that Apple is better at dealing with third party devices than Windows ! :p Without ever using Windows, I would have still thought that it is the all around champ for managing third party devices... The Win World is such a mixed bag after all ! :rolleyes: Well its a nice story, nevertheless ! Now I feel all warm inside !

Would you mind telling us how you discovered the Macintosh way ? :)
Simple, I was a lost sheep. I was raised on Mac, and allready had great knowlege of the system, but by friends had Windows and I constantly heard of the ease-of-use. So as soon as I had money I bought an up-to-date PC. At first I said it ruled(I was in denial), then I convinced myself extra hardware would solve my problems...

I'm back to Mac and all is well
and you can stop living in fear that it is going to blow up!! experience is a great teacher.:)