I messed up my Airport Base Station


Hi everyone. I have an airport extreme base station and I have an Imac G5 and an Macbook on the wireless connection. Both computers could connect to my network but when i tried to configure my airport extreme base station, the base station would not show up on list in Airport Admin Utility. I restarted the airport which erased my network and now the only way to get the base station to show up under the list is to directly connect it to my computer with an ethernet cable. Does anyone know how just start over and make a completely new network or fix it so my computer will recongnize the base station?. Thank you for your help
Hiya Read the manual (if you have it), when you reset the airport you may have held the reset to long, this sets back to factory default.
If you _can_ connect to it through the Ethernet cable, simply configure it the way you want. After you've set up the WiFi network again, you'll be able to administer it through WiFi as well.
Make sure you are running firmware v5.7 (or 5.5.1). Version 5.6 messed up my APExtreme Base Station.
I've configured it through the lan connection and it still wont connect throgh wifi, I've also done a hard reset to no avail. I'm not sure what else to do.
Have to tried to mess with the channels settings? It may not be the case, but I had a similar problem trying to configure a friends one time. We finally got it to work by setting a channel it preferred. Always, insure you have given, if the option is set, your computers are on the access list.

Also, I am not sure where OSX writes the airport admin information. I remember reading a thread a while ago, some one trashed the file(s), and reconfigured and was up and running.