i need a Benchmark application


hello, i want to compare a PC from a friend with my iMac. Where can i download an app that tests your hardware, 3D, graphics, ...

The app has to be available for PC and Mac of course

Hmm, never come across a dual platform benchmark app before. I've got XBench and I used to use Speedometer back in the day but as far as I know there was never a Windows version of either.
... AFAIK there is no such thing ... That's why Apple does CPU spec benchmarking and also all those Photoshop actions & real-life comparisons...

However, people often use games to compare hardware, if details don't matter much... like the FPS (Frames per second) in Quake III. You can also look how fast (with a stopwatch) your computers can do something in Photoshop or another program...

If there would be benchmarking app like you want, there would be a lot less discussions between mac freaks and PC heads on who's got the fastest machine ...
i found 1, called Haxial Benchmark

I don't know if this is a good app or not....

Here are my results:


--> iMac 1Ghz 256MB RAM G4
Just remember that any benchmark is throwing away increadible ammounts of information.

Give me one number that describes your house and I will tell you if it is better than mine.

Kind of silly huh but it is exactly the same thing. This is brought home to me almost every day as I use my 667MHz PowerBook and this 2.4 GHz Dell. For the most part my PowerBook is faster in real life. I never find myself waiting on the Powerbook but at times I sit wondering what this goofy Dell is doing.

That said the Dell definatly has a sweetspot and if you can hit it it flys. An example is compiling C with gcc which appears to fit within the constraints of the system to keep everything going well. No artificial benchmark will capture those kinds of nuances which really define performance between these two machines and you would not think that it is that hard.