I need a program!

blue gekko

I *heart* Mac
Hey guys,

I don't know where this goes so I'll post here.
I'm looking for a program that allows me to remix a song, as in, copy and paste parts of the song into other parts, lower the pitch or parts etc... And obviously, it's gotta be Mac compatible. It can be freeware, or something I gotta pay for. Preferably a more professional version too.

Not a lot of professional software is free...but with that out of the way, try Audacity for some great basic audio features.

Go to http://www.versiontracker.com and do a search for "audio" to find more options.

Realize too that publishing your remixed work will have to be cleared by the original copyright owner/s.
I've done exactly this with Audacity...it takes some time, but it works and it's free.
although audacity is the better known program, i've always found it lacking.

Amedeus II is a far better-written program, although it is a little dated (it's an old os9 app that's been carbonised), and is far more intuitive to use, and faster to boot.