I need default IE Mac OS X icon!


I was messing around with pasting icons and didn't like the results. Now I'm stuck with an ugly explorer icon in my dock. I can't simply delete the icon in Show Info (to restore it like in Mac OS 9) because it deletes it totally. Can somebody please copy the IE icon and email to me or post it?

p.s. I just beat Xan in Unreal Tournament! Wheeeeeee! Man, he had my heart going!!!
And how does one extract the icon? I copied it from the Info box, pasted it into Photoshop, and it looked like garbage...
MDLarson: I think OS X has a bug where it looks like it's gone totally, but when you log out/log in again, it's back. Try restarting, too.

nkuvu: I would suggest getting Iconographer (from VersionTracker of course), and then open the icon up through Iconographer (by dragging Exploder on the Iconographer application, or using the equiv Open feature). This will allow you to copy the icon family onto a dummy file, or export it to a Mac OS X .icns format.
... simx is right ... but to make things even easier you can just force quit the finder. as soon as it restarts you'll have your original icon back ... :)
Hmm, that's exactly what's going on. I deleted it again and force quit the Finder, and the default icon is back.

Thanks for the advice!