I need help please...


Eyebrow Moderator
Well ive been working on my ftp problem with mixed results and im wanting to do a wider test, so i need everyone to try and login please

port 21
user: test
pass: test

please tell me if you connect or not, you should see a folder called digart or something with some jpgs in it

tell me what program you are using, and what OS, so far i have had it work 100% on windows, and os9, but osx the only person that has tried it couldnt connect, so please help me out and test it for me, thanks :)
as if you have no service up?

I'm doing it from the terminal and from RBrowser Lite, but nothing...?:(
Worked fine here:

[level9:~] me% ftp
ftp> open bobb.mine.nu
Connected to bobb.mine.nu.
220-Welcome to CrushFTP!
220 CrushFTP Server Ready.
Name (bobb.mine.nu:wb): test
331 Username OK. Need password.
230-Welcome to my server!
230 Password OK. Connected.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls -l
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for file list.
drwx------ 1 user group 0 Aug 17 17:59 digart
226 Directory transfer complete.
ftp> close
221 Goodbye.
ftp> quit