I need my TAB


TAB, sorry not the soda

In 10.0-10.1.5 I was able to use the tab key to do some neat terminal stuff. One of my favorite uses for it was
>man (space) (tab)
Which gave me a listing of all the manual entries! Very helpful for UNIX newbies.

In 10.2 if I hit the (tab) key, I just get a audible bell. Is there an alternative method/way I could get my tab back?

Just add the line 'set autolist' to /etc/csh.login. You can do this with one command:

sudo echo 'set autolist' >> /etc/csh.login

That should append it to the end of the file. Just close the Terminal window and open a new one, and you'll be all set.
Thanks for the help davidbrit2.
However now tab only works for displaying directories and still not for "man (space) (tab)"

If it makes any difference for the resolution, I couldn't sudo the command. Instead i had to log on as root in the terminal.
I don't think the shell will autocomplete arguments based on your path. In other words, it won't try to autocomplete the command name after man. Sometimes it seems like the autocompletion isn't 100% consistent in its behavior.
Yes, I should also say thanks for the tip, actually.

I'd used bash before which does the tab stuff and was missing it. It seems to be pretty similar now. (I was going to switch to bash but no need now, I guess)

I have another machine with 10.1.x at work so I'll try to remember to have a look when I go back and see if the man page thing behaves nicely with tab.. and if it does, I'll try to figure out what the difference is.
