Member that enjoys Meece
I recently made a post here and it was moved to another section, where probablly it will never be seen simply because I know a lot of us only visit this section of So I must post here again to ask the question about CUPS printing. I was under the impression that the Stylus 670 would be supported under Jaguar because of the fact that it is listed as a supported printer on the CUPS website. However to my dissapointment it does not seem to be supported. Does anyone have any incite into this? What exactly is Epson USB as compared to just the plain USB setting in Print Center, am I not doing something right?
A note to the Moderator -please give this post a couple of days in this section. I know you like to clean it up frequently but this question is very important and I know I will get an immediate response in this section.
Thank You
A note to the Moderator -please give this post a couple of days in this section. I know you like to clean it up frequently but this question is very important and I know I will get an immediate response in this section.
Thank You