

Fearless Thinker
Just heard a rumor saying that Apple is working on a pro Audio Sequencer for OSX.

Seems to good to be true to me, but you never know...
After al we already have an audio core system, VST and TDM plugins folders, QT, FCP editing suite...

Dream on...
Heheheh, woulnd't that be cool though? No-one else seems inclined to get going with the (finally!) excellent audio architecture in OS X.

Well, Emagic look promising, but apart from that...

As an aside, whatever happened to the whole Apple (computer) / Apple Corp. (Beatles) issue whereby Apple (computer) undertook NOT to develop anything to do with music, as that would impinge upon Apple Corp.s realm...?
I read about that too!
They say that Apple might use the "Mac" name, instead of "Apple".
On a side note, Spark for X is pretty good for the money!
There is no conflict going on between Apple computer and Apple records, nobody loses a name or anything. There were some RUMORS about it being a problem but in reailty so long as Apple computer doesn't start signing bands it's all good :p
I know there was no conflict / court case or anything, but they did reach an agreement about this.

Consider the Mac's one-time supremacy in the world of MIDI music making; Atari had a machine with a built-in MIDI port. Apple did not follow suit, partly out of deference to Apple Corp.

BTW kommakazi, how do you find OS X on your "Bondi Beast"? I have a rev B iMac with 256MB RAM, but haven't bothered making the leap to OS X due to performance considerations...
BTW kommakazi, how do you find OS X on your "Bondi Beast"? I have a rev B iMac with 256MB RAM, but haven't bothered making the leap to OS X due to performance considerations...

I can answer your question as I also have a Rev B iMac. I think you should have no big troubles. I noticed some lag when I had 190 megs of ram and then I upgraded to 256 and it is pretty smooth. Granted it is no G4 I am happy with the performance. The only reason I am unhappy with the age of my computer is that it has no firewire. The internal 6gig drive isn't enough for me and the USB external 30gig drive I used with 9 isn't supported for some odd reason :(
Thanks for the response!

The hard drive issue is one for me too... though I note that it is possible to upgrade the internal hard drive to something bigger?

This site was good when I did my RAM update, and they have notes on how to upgrade the hard drive:
