i think my router decided to stop port forwarding...


It was working, but now I cant connect to my computer through the router using anything..ftp, ssh, http,nothing. I have all the ports forwarding, and i tried resetting the router, and i got nothing, and ideas what the problem could be?
I think anyone who wants to help you is going to need a lot more info, particularly on your hardware. If you could post that, it would be great :)
ok...yes I can connect to its interface. My regular internet connection is still working fine too, thats how im posting this.

Hardware...well, its a Seimans Speedstream router, adn there are two computers on the network, a mac and a pc. the macs IP address is i use a cable modem (adelphia).

In sharing, in the network services, i have these all checked:

Windows sharing, personal web sharing, remote login, and ftp access. The firewall (in the sharing prefs) is off.

From the routers interface:

WAN IP: ***.**.***.*** (i blocked this out myself for this post)
Subnet Mask: *
Gateway IP:*
DNS: *
Secondary DNS: *

IP Address: *
Subnet Mask: *
DHCP Server: *Enabled
NAT: *Enabled
Firewall: *Enabled
Printer Status:*NOT READY

Connected Clients:* 1
Runtime Code Version:* V1.20.002
Boot Code Version:* V1.60.001
LAN MAC Address:* 00-30-F1-3C-A3-14
WAN MAC Address:* 00-30-F1-3C-A3-15
Hardware Version:* 01
Serial Num:* A206018999

also, I reset the router to the factory deafults, and re-opened ports 80, 21, and 23

let me know if you need any more info.
yes it worked before, but i don thtink it has worked for a while. i just havent had had a reason to connect to my home comp for a while. I think it stopped working right around the time i installed panther. Also, I set up bluetooth, and i noticed that there is also a VPN (L2TP) configuration in the network panel that i dont remmebr setting up...that says its not connected though.
Do you have Panther's built in firewall turned on? If so, make sure that is also forwarding the correct ports
Can you describe how the network is set up? All the hardware/software that the line has to go through from the 'outside' to your Mac?
cable modem > router > mac/pc

thats it...as far as software, im not sure what you mean, just whatever mac os x has i guess.
Well, I'm afraid I'm not knowledgeable enough to help you further :(. I expect someone else here will be able to though
If all of a sudden the computers can't see each other, it may just be on it's way out. It's not uncommon. As far as port forwarding, does the IP address of your Mac (or PC) match the IP address that the port is forwarded to? The reason I ask is because usually IPs in the 100-range are DHCP addresses and your computer's IP address may have changed from what it used to be. Are you using static IPs on your local network or is it all dynamic?