I Want a Good Aquarium Widget that's NOT a CPU Hog!

I feel as though there really won't be any good aquarium widget that won't be a CPU hog. There's just so much processing that has to go on in order to make everything look real. Just think of each of the little things that have to go on every second. I guess, if you don't mind having a low quality aquarium then you could possible find a low CPU widget. Good eye candy takes a lot of processing to make. Of course you could just shut it off everytime you are done using it even though it'll be a pain in he butt to do.
Not the answer I wanted to hear but you're probably right, yeah. (grumbles) ::evil::
If you want the most out of your MacBook Air, you don't install anything that you won't really need. No Flash, no aquaria etc. ;) Result: Battery life.