I want one, but why?


For a little while now i've wanted a digital camera. I thought it would always be fun to take pictures of me and my buds skateboarding, and take pictures of family events. So i asked for a camera this last Christmas...and sure enough: i didn't get it.
So i've arranged with my mother that if i can come up with a few really good reasons to own a digital camera she will buy me one. So...tell me: why do people like digital cameras?
So...tell me: why do people like digital cameras?

My sister borrows my camera to take pictures of her her daughter, my nephew, and my lil bro. Kids grow so fast that it's a good idea to take pictures often.

Would regular pictures work? No, our paper pictures are in some container, although the right thing to do is to keep it in an album. Even if they were in an album, they are not as accessible as having them right in your computer.

Do you have any relatives living at a good distance from you? Let your mom know you can share pictures with them by email... free. You can even create a homepage to display your pictures, using the webspace that your ISP allots you. Also free.

Going back to the being a kid point, I'm 24 years old. In the days when I was a lil kid, I think it was a luxury in my town to have a Polaroid instantaneous camera. My father had one and with it he was able to take pictures of my siblings and I. Looking at them, I realize that I wasn't always such an ugly mothaflowa... hehe. It's great to see old pictures of the whole family, actually.

With a regular camera you're more careful as to what moment is worth a picture because each one will cost you dinero ($$). With a digital camera, take some pictures, upload them to the computer, take more pictures, upload them, too, and then decide which ones you'll keep, if not all.

Oh, and just so you know, I paid $379 bucks for my camera. In the first week or two, I think I regretted having spent so much. With time passing, I got over it. Now, I know I made the right choice.

You can get a decent camera (1.3 megapixels) for about $100 bucks. Get one with a timer in case you ever want to strike a pose for your AOL guuuuurrffffriend...
Wow Dusky...you're quite the modivational speaker here. :) You made me want to get a camera even more now! But i'm not sure if my mom is willing to fork over the money for the reasons you stated. But then again...$100 for an HP cam does sound pretty tasty.

EDIT: For future reference (The Camera)
You could tell her how easy it would be to use all those digital pics to make short movies of her favorite offspring (you).

Go for the emotions, she's a mom!

I was going to show you a camera at Walmart that looks cooler than the one u pointed at (HP120), with same features, for about the same price. But when I went to walmart.com I saw the camera you wanted, for $50 dollars more expensive than it's sold at HP's site. So I'm not sure you'd be getting the best price on this one... http://www.walmart.com/catalog/prod...7600&type=19&dept=5426&path=0:5426:3959:47600

Mom is most likely to buy a cute thing, than one that isn't so...
Good news! I got my camera...and my mom get her own! It's great...i really enjoy it. It's resolution isn't very good (being at 1.0 MP) but it'll do for now. :) Plus i think i'm going to use the video features more than the still picture features! 45 seconds of lovable avi. :D

Thanks to everybody who helped out here!
Easy, you can take TONS OF PICTURES without worrying about how much it's going to cost to develop them! And when you do want a physical copy you can just print them (provided you got a decent printer).

I got an Olympus D-150 Zoom Digital Camera with a 64MB and 8MB flash cards (came with the 8MB). 1.3 Megapixel and Zoom is handy.

I paid $150 for it - Olympus nolonger lists my particular model on their site and I haven't seen it at stores as of late so it might already be out of production.

But, I can't do without my Digital Camera anymore! It goes with me almost everywhere (it's almost as common for me to have my Digital Camera as my Cell Phone) I take tons of pictures - mostly of my little sis, niece ("Boo" :D) and nephew. :)
Oh well... too late... but, I just got a camera for Christmas, and I must say... after hanging around with my goofy friends for a few hours, I realized.... having a camera is great for capturing those little moments in life where you think "damn, that's funny looking, wish I had a camera." Because... let's face it. A picture of two of your friends longingly staring at a spoon is a funny thing. :D