posted by Vanguard
Who's trolling?
I really wrote just to make sure that Ed knew he was trolling.
Actually, I think Ed is trying to find me some trolls to play with. It just hasn't been the same with out Manic to play with (even though he did go over the top way too often).
posted by Jadey
Games are important though. They are the only thing the average user does that pushes the hardware envelope. Average users don't edit broadcast quality video in real time. Gamers keep the consumer PC industry going forward.
I completely agree! I may be the first to hit trolls with the
Gamer label, but it is games that have made our equipment faster and less expensive over the years (though a bind belief by the average user that only the fastest systems can run their word processor hasn't hurt either). If only the people who
really needed the the system resources were the only ones buying the high end equipment, the demand would be so little that the prices would put those systems almost out of reach. I would point out the prices of the Macintosh IIfx and the Quadra 950 were almost three times that of the PowerMac G4/867 of today, and that maxing out the RAM on those older systems would have cost almost as much as the systems themselves (while today we flip a coin on wether to buy more RAM or a pizza).
As for the state of Mac gaming, it is understandable that that games that have little or no audience in the PC world would not be ported to the Mac world, but games that do very good on Wintel (or look like they are going to be very good) do make it to us in time. I am happy with my current stable of games (Doom I & II, Unreal & UT, Quake II & III, Elite Force, Rainbow Six & Rogue Spear to name a few of the ones I enjoy), and feel no need to have the newest games today (because I'm still playing with some of the oldest). So we get a reverse market share of the games (we make up less than 5% of buyers, so we only see maybe the top 5% of games), there are some real
bad games out there that make money on the Wintel platform because
someone is going to buy a copy sooner or later.
posted by Vanguard
Again and again I keep hearing mac users claim to be more technical than PC users. As a guy who lives in both worlds let me tell you, PC users are just as technical as mac users. Of course both platforms have their gurus/experts and both platforms have their dodos. Let's not act elite.
With Mac OS X, Macs have become completely useful systems right out of the box without buying any other software. And we have a very nice selection of software if we do need more. The only problem is that we have that selection because we are vocal about wanting a selection. The only reason our platform has survived to this point is because we have demanded that it survive. We are required to
act elite.
As for technical claims, I'm sorry, but it is
very true. I have an almost 3 to 1 ratio of Mac clients to PC clients, and yet my PC clients make up more than half my business. Why? Because the Mac users can fix most problems on their own. Per system, there are five times as many IT professionals working on Wintel than any other platform (that is about a 100 to 1 ratio compared to Mac IT). Why? Because the average user can't fix some of the most average problems that come up on PCs. This is
very real, and in no way puts down high end users of PCs.
After spending the last 72 hours repairing a number of Windows systems, I have honestly thought about dropping support of Windows 95/98/Me completely! And I have been known to push my clients toward Windows NT/2000 just because I know that those versions do everything they need (and I'll get called less). Then again, Windows paid the rent for this month, so why should I complain.