iApp requested


I'd like for Apple to make iVideo, the iTunes of DVDs. I'd like for it to easily make a .avi or .mp4 out of a DVD. You may say it would be supporting piracy, but iTunes has the same concept and I do own the DVDs, I just don't want to take them out of the cover...
While I see the "piracy" use for the iVideo, I don't think simply recording and copying from a DVD format makes it wrong. After all mp3 format is okay for iTunes, why not DVD ripping from iVideo?

We can burn videos to DVD, why not copy them from a DVD disk and store them as iTunes does for our music?

Good idea... but I'd like to see iMovie take care of all that for me.

I don't want a separate app for that.;)
I bet the HD industry would be behind that.:)

Not a bad idea, you could interweave it with iDisk and iDVD:

- Export movies from iVideo to iDisk
- Convert Filetypes (helps the transistion to .mp4)
- Send Compilations to Apple to be professionally assembled into albums. (Might go against iDVD though...)
- Archive video on DVD
evildan: I wouldn't like it to be iMovie, iMovie is for editing home videos, not for ripping DVDs. I also wouldn't like it to be combined with iTunes cause that would make this like Windows Media Player, a twice size app which you can only use half way no matter what. QuickTime might work, but I fear this would be a "Pro" feature and that most people would't be able to enjoy this. If any apps should be combined, iMovie and iDVD should.
Nay, I like iVideo better as a single app, a killer app, an iApp.

Matrix Agent: I like the converting-thing, but the iDisk is only at 50 Megs now and I don't think Apple would let us store 600Mb on their servers for free...
And get that Dell-lover out of your avatar, he makes me sick!