iBook 500-AEBS Two solutions


For those of you pulling you hair out (like I was) here are two issues I have solved with the help of forums .

I have two iBook 500's I bought off eBay. I have Airport cards in both with an AEBS. One of the iBooks had tremendous range and the other barely worked in the same room with the base station. I opened the bad book up and found the slightest "nip" in the antenna wire as it passed through the monitor hinge. After wrapping it with tape, retarting and zapping the pram, my range is now dynamite in both books.

The other issue was not being able to print wireless to my Epson 740i. Please...anyone that has an AEBS and wants to print wireless THROUGH USB, don't forget that you have to use RENDEZVOUS for the network as you add the printer. I actually have the same printer twice in the Printer List because one is done through Rendezvous for wireless and one is done...I am not sure...for when I am hooked up with a direct ethernet cable.