iBook 700 mhZ


OK, I need an honest opinion here.

Is it worth getting an iBook 700, with 384mb ram, and an AirPort card for Au $3900 on a FlexiRent plan, which would take out about $35 a week of my $45 a week pay?

Also, with FlexiRent, does anyone know if you can pay say $1000 of it and then only pay the remaining on FlexiRent?
Normally, I'd say yes. The iBook is great value. But this looks like it might be more money than you have to spare.

I'd suggest that if you do get your machine on finance, you see your bank, as FlexiRent can be less than ideal and their rates are a little steep. Shop around for an interest rate and repayment that you can afford that leaves you plenty of cash for the things you want and for actually having a life.


(I am an aussie uni student getting by on centrelink, and still keeping up about $35/wk for my iBook 500 - now over a year old and still rockin - as well as rent. It is okay as long as you allow yourself plenty of breathing room in your budget.)