iBook - G3 v. G4


Hi All,

I was at the local CompUSA picking up some RAM the other day, and I saw that they do trade ins. I have a G3 800 iBook (CDROM), and they say for that speed Mac, they will give you $700 towards a new computer. Would it be worth it to put $400 towards the low end GHz with the combo drive, or would performance not be enough to warrant doing that, and put the $400 away for a year or so and get a powerbook?

Not only Performance improvement, but Stability improvement too.
I'm planning on upgrading my iBook G3 800MHz to a 1GHz G4 next week, after the Logic-Board Fried itself for the 3rd Time. (The other time It was in the shop was for a faulty Backlight & Reed Switch). Both these flaws were fixed in the G4.

Also, games like UT2004 and Halo will run on a G4, which would make me feel much less of a Leper at my Wireless Community Meetings.
I would keep the G3 book. There won't be such a big performance improvement. Save those $400 and get a 12'' G5 alubook once it's out.

My ibook is still my desired book and it doesn't perform so much slower then my tibook. And consider that your ibook is faster than mine but my tibook would perform better than the new G4 ibook.
I'd wait...I've used a 1ghz G4 iBook and saw no noticeable difference between that and the G3 900. Not enough to justify $200 IMO, definitely not $400. Spend that on an iPod, digital camera, or something else you might need...maybe a external combo drive or CD/DVD burner.
Thanks for the input guys,

Yeah, I get along fine with the current laptop, it's just a bit slow on some stuff, but it does what I ask it to, so I think I'm going to hold off on getting the new one. I have an external burner, but often need to transfer files while on campus, so I think I'm going to get a thumbdrive to do that, and I think the old 1G 5GB iPod needs an upgrade. Those seem like better things to spend money on at the moment.
