Hi there,
I just got an ibook G4 from a coworker, and I am totally loving it but sadly I am having quite a problem with it. In our apartment, we have a wireless network set up - using a wireless router connected to my fiance's PC. On top of the wireless, I have the option to run a cat5 directly to connect. I also own an older imac without AirPort, and when I was using that to use the internet I had no issues at all.
This G4 ibook has AirPort of course, and since I have been using it for the internet we've been coming across a strange problem. It seems like everytime I get online, it never fails to boot both of us offline within a half hour, every half hour, almost like clockwork. If I am on another wireless network - we do not have this issue. It's only when I've got my cat5 connected or when I'm using the AirPort to connect wirelessly. When this happens, we have to completely reset the router. It's getting quite frustrating to say the least.
I don't know anything about networking - I love computers but I'm not very technically skilled. Even my fiance, who is a system and network admin, has no idea what the problem is. It seems to be *only* my ibook that causes this, as it does not happen on my imac, and does not happen when I am not on the network. I've done all my recent software updates and all that, and it still hasn't fixed it. We even manually configured it to the network, and still nothing.
Has anyone else had this problem or knows how to fix it? Please help! :{
I just got an ibook G4 from a coworker, and I am totally loving it but sadly I am having quite a problem with it. In our apartment, we have a wireless network set up - using a wireless router connected to my fiance's PC. On top of the wireless, I have the option to run a cat5 directly to connect. I also own an older imac without AirPort, and when I was using that to use the internet I had no issues at all.
This G4 ibook has AirPort of course, and since I have been using it for the internet we've been coming across a strange problem. It seems like everytime I get online, it never fails to boot both of us offline within a half hour, every half hour, almost like clockwork. If I am on another wireless network - we do not have this issue. It's only when I've got my cat5 connected or when I'm using the AirPort to connect wirelessly. When this happens, we have to completely reset the router. It's getting quite frustrating to say the least.
I don't know anything about networking - I love computers but I'm not very technically skilled. Even my fiance, who is a system and network admin, has no idea what the problem is. It seems to be *only* my ibook that causes this, as it does not happen on my imac, and does not happen when I am not on the network. I've done all my recent software updates and all that, and it still hasn't fixed it. We even manually configured it to the network, and still nothing.
Has anyone else had this problem or knows how to fix it? Please help! :{